Because we’ve reached out to tens of thousands of companies over the last five years who bring something similar to market as what your company does regarding your product(s) or service(s) scope, we are quite confident that we’ve seen just about everything when it comes to knowing the hiccups involved with the hiring process.
So, to make the hiring process easiest for you; we’re going to share the top 3 top things to consider when you want to work with a new vendor to create a bump in revenue and a rise in Return On Investment from your online business development initiatives.
…The best way to answer this is to know who will be communicating the results from the business development programming to the key decision making makers at your company? (I.e., what are each party’s grasp of the data-sets to be shared, what is their background and experience when working with the task(s) at hand, and much more should be considered).
Buyer beware: If there are non-techies working this process for your company, our top tip to implement is to make the data easy to understand… the conventional PDF document or “digital dashboard” that most business owners don’t know how to read or brainstorm around isn’t going to cut it anymore!
… If total sales brought in from the campaigns that is your company’s goal, then measuring, monitoring, adjusting and controlling all of the most important data-sets flowing in is very important. Let’s be real: why would you take part in a business development project if you don’t want to acquire sales from it?!
Buyer beware: most digital marketing agencies are not very thorough in how they report results – especially on the sales side of the reporting process. At, we use a diagram called the “Power Triangle” to get the most mileage and results out of a businesses traffic sources, conversion tools, and ways they’re positioning their economic offerings in their ads and on their web infrastructure.
… After being in business with this entity for 5 years and working with all kinds of entities to generate tens in millions of additional revenue from the internet for our clients each month, we have a VERY strong grasp on what reports show success best, what communicates results best, and what allows for everybody to be on the same page and working with the results most effectively so more progress and market domination continues to happen!
Buyer beware: The days of sending a client a PDF with a few cute pictures, charts, and diagrams are over… for the most part, all our clients care about is how many inquiries and appointments came from our work and how much it cost to get each of those leads to take action.
Our “No Lead Left Behind” spreadsheet tracks every form fill-out, phone call, and location click (from Google Maps) that come through your website. The goal is to show when the inquiry was made (was it during business hours?), where this contact is at in your sales process, whether a call was answered or not + how long it was, what the recording said from the call, whether the call came from a search engine, online ad, social site, etc., and what the name of the caller or form filler-outer was.
To date, we have found NO BETTER WAY to connect the marketing insights coming into a company with the sales team’s data. We urge you to ask a few questions about the sample “No Lead Left Behind” spreadsheet shared below.
We take all of the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and put them into an easy to understand Digital Dashboard document, which is then followed up by a Monthly Marketing Results Reporting Video that is filmed by Austin Pike, our company’s director of online sales and marketing conversion.
Here is a sample of Austin’s video that has helped him become one of the top online sales experts in the country for the industries we’ve decided to become national leaders in. (This Needs A Link)
We have a 15-30 minute Clarity Call with all of our clients to review the notes being taken on their CRM-like, “No Lead Left Behind” spreadsheet, talk about their discoveries from Austin’s Results Reporting Video, and to plan the top action-steps for the next month so that we continue to get more mileage from their campaigns.
In summary, not all digital marketing agencies, firms, experts, and campaign managers are created equal.
Now, if you’d like support or direction on how to turn insights into income at your company so that a yield of 3:1 return occurs each month, I strongly suggest you schedule a 5ish Minute Business Breakthrough Call with our team.
On this call, we promise to share 3-5 impact points that will cause a bump in your company’s goal-getting efforts.
Measure twice, cut once, and choose the right vendor for your needs wisely 🙂
John Gosselin
CEO | Web Sales Conversion Expert | (781) 780-2110
P.S. – Here is an article that was written about the founders of our company that shows how robust and easy to understand we make it for clients to know exactly where they stand with their business growth metrics.
P.P.S. – If you want to ramp up results and trim time, be like Karl 🙂