How To Hire A Digital Marketing Expert (Or Agency) Who Has Your Return On Investment As Their #1 Priority!
January 6, 2018
3 Reasons Why 11 Year Old Zack Gosselin Is Writing A Book That Will Change The Design, Building, And Construction Industry Forever!
March 2, 2018

We Were Asked Several Times While Speaking At The Manhattan Chapter For The NKBA If We Would Be Attending BDNY.

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Admittedly, at first, I didn’t know all that much about the Boutique Design New York Show (BDNY). However, although the show was mostly interior designers of both the residential and commercial scopes, as well as many key players in the hospitality industry across the country, there was going to absolutely be a lot to take away from this show.

This was also a great opportunity for a stay-cation in Manhattan –  which is never a bad thing 🙂

Here Are John’s Top 5 Takeaways From BDNY 2017:

1: It’s always beneficial and fun to put relationships first with contacts in the industry who you are already familiar with and who you know you can build rapport with at higher level.


John Goselin


2: Although the pumpkin spice lattes may be a little bit more expensive in New York City, it’s easy to justify the added expense when you’re in one of the most fun cities in the world.


Earn More Do Less


3:  Establishing a book of business in a major market is a very smart and disciplined decision because you never know what could come from it.


John Goselin


4: The Architecture and Design (A&D) Building is breathtakingly beautiful. Having been in the A&D Building when we spoke for the NKBA Chapter, we had a follow-up visit with Gurry Builders NYC to talk about how they can “win” more business through the internet and dominate the Manhattan marketplace online for all searches kitchen and bath remodeling.


Earn More Do Less


5: Cross-pollinating interests, industries, and working with other experts is flat out a lot of fun.


Earn More Do Less


In summary, our network grew because of the contacts we met at the BDNY show and our knowledge of who’s-who in the industry expanded 10-fold.  If you’d like to know more about the BDNY show or how to ‘bump’ your business forward through the internet, we’d love to help you earn more, do less, and learn what is best practice for 2018, and beyond.

To finding prosperity and profitability in all that you invest your time into.


John Gosselin

John Gosselin
CEO | Web Sales Conversion Expert | (781) 780-2110

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